Pink SaltIt seems like all you hear in the media is that “salt is bad for you”. You hear of people with health conditions like high blood pressure or heart conditions being placed on bland low or no salt diets. But why is that? Don’t salts exist naturally in food we eat?

The problem comes with table salt (also known as Iodized Salt). This may come as a shock, but table salt is comprised of sodium chloride and along with that often contaminated with sand and glass. And herein lies the problem. When you consume this lovely mixture the sand and glass are abrasive. The crystals scratch and make small tears in your body including your veins. Your body reacts by trying to patch and heal with fats (cholesterol). This often causes your body to make more cholesterol than needed and cause blockages and in more extreme cases can lead to stroke or heart attack. So it does make sense that doctors place you on a salt-restricted diet.

What the medical community is missing here is that salt is an important component of the human body.

1. Salt helps with the regulation of blood pressure.

Sodium maintains your body’s balance of fluid and water retention. It helps maintain a healthy blood pressure.

2. Salt Helps Control Nerve Function

Sodium supports proper nerve function.  A deficiency can cause muscle cramps.

3. Salt Helps with Digestion

Salt also aids in digestion and can affect kidney function helping to retain nutrients.

So, if your body needs salt but table salt is bad and even dangerous what are you supposed to do?

Up until recent years, Sea Salt was a wonderful choice. Made by nature it filled all the good benefits of salt and none of the bad. With recent environmental changes – such as the Gulf oil spill and other spills followed by the dumping of thousands of gallons of toxic oil dispersant Corexit as well as Fukushima Nuclear Plant’s continuing radiation leak, sea salt is no longer our recommendation as you may be causing more problems than you are healing.

This leaves us with the best choice of all – Pink Himalayan salt. Himalayan salt is one of the most profound and fundamental health re-discoveries of our time. This crystalline, unrefined salt comes from the original prime body of sea—The Primal Sea.

Located deep below the earth’s surface, Himalayan salt was created when the primal sea was dried up by the sun and then compressed over millions of years by the pressure of the landmasses that formed the top of it.

Taken from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, Himalayan salt is still hand mined and sun-dried. By keeping these practices, the salt maintains its original properties containing 94 different minerals and trace minerals our bodies are made up of, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron.

These are minerals our body was designed to utilize. Our soil has been depleted for the most part and they are no longer absorbed by the fruits and vegetables we eat so most of us are not getting them at all.

Pink salt is a wonderful addition to everyone’s daily diet and unlike table salt, which is damaging to the body, Pink salt heals and re-mineralizes.

Nutrition Specialists of Florida can get you on the path to health naturally by pulling from a unique cluster of modalities including Chiropractic, Nutrition based therapies, Nutritional Response Testing, Acupuncture and more.

Give us a call at 239-947-1177 or visit us online Come in and see is today for a visit and consultation. If you aren’t feeling your absolute best - it is time to fix that.




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